- Destinations
- Zambia
- South Luangwa National Park
When to Go?
Best Time to Visit South Luangwa
A South Luangwa National Park safari is best experienced during Zambia’s long dry winter. The May through August period has the most comfortable weather: warm sunny days and cool nights. (In June and July it can get extremely cold in the early mornings.) Wildlife is easier to see (and avoid when walking!) and animals are concentrated around water, making game viewing simple and highly rewarding.
September and October are very hot and dry but it’s when animal concentrations around water are at their most intense. The arrival of the rains in November needn’t put travellers off an early summer safari however: many antelope give birth, attracting predators, and the birdlife is magnificent. A ‘Green Season’ safari is highly recommended for returning safari travellers and wildlife photographers.
If you plan to include Victoria Falls on your safari, note that Victoria Falls is in full flow when the South Luangwa is at wettest and least accessible. And when the South Luangwa is at its game-packed best (late dry season), Victoria Falls is at its lowest levels – and almost completely dry on the Zambian side. Safari Online recommends combining the South Luangwa with Victoria Falls during the May to August period for a happy compromise.